Wednesday, November 30, 2011

TOYSREVIL: Zukies by Alison Perez

TOYSREVIL: Zukies by Alison Perez: Designed by Alison Perez, ZUKIES 'are mysterious characters that do not talk; they have thought bubbles and facial expressions. Zukies are ...

Yay was reviewed by TOYSREVIL !

Sunday, November 27, 2011

NEW Work up!!

Title : " Hungry Thoughts"
Title: "Camera"


New work up soon !

TOYSREVIL: submission suggestions: feed me!

TOYSREVIL: submission suggestions: feed me!: And while i have no delusions that i'll have much "exclusives" on this little blog of mine (except for the graces of kind souls), here are ...
Hello everyone check out  some of my New ART work, leave some feedback . Thank You